The Mums Guide to Surviving Christmas


By now most schools have finished ready for the Christmas holidays. There’s a collective sigh of relief that we made it, especially after another year of uncertainty. Everyone is excited, ready to kick back, rest, recuperate and see what treats the big man in red has brought them. It's a time to really enjoy the festivities with family.

But, as all Mums know, this is also a time when their stress is at the maximum and suddenly the thought of Christmas with all the clan can bring us out in a cold, cold sweat. Because with the fun undoubtedly comes the chaos and making it through Christmas Day without losing our cool becomes an absolute priority!
Here we outline our top five tips to make the festive period run as smoothly as possible:

  1. Go with the flow – off the bat this has to be our number 1 tip! Because the reality is routines go out of the window, children will stay up late and (fingers crossed) sleep in so over the holidays our motto is to go with it. They’ll enjoy a bit of freedom and parents can enjoy a more relaxed pace. And the best part is no school run – whoop, whoop! If you’re a new parent, babies adapt far quicker than we give them credit for so if your routine slips, you’ll soon be able to get them back into it.
  2. Prepare – Get as organised as you can with everything from wrapping presents and making sure you know what needs preparing when if you are cooking Christmas Dinner at home. Delegate chores…even toddlers can help with minor chores such as tidying their books and toys so you don’t feel overwhelmed on the day.
  3. Don't put pressure on yourself! It might be a cliche, but children do just want to spend time with their parents. Don't worry about buying ALL the things, according to, the average person is expecting to spend £1,108 during the 2021 festive season! While the cost of living has risen considerably in recent months, don’t feel you have to keep up with the Joneses.
  4. It’s also important to look after your body and your mind during the busy period so if the weather is cold and crisp, all wrap-up and go for a nice brisk walk. The fresh air will be great for the whole family, and it'll help wear the kids out! Bonus all around we say!
  5. Most importantly of all – Just enjoy it. Take the time to just be. Happy mum = happy children.

So this year, just like Christmas 2020, might be a little quieter but our small ones are only little for such a short while. Make as many gorgeous memories together as you can. As we know, they don't stay small forever and before you know it, they've grown up and had a family of their own, now asking for advice on everything!

Merry Christmas x


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